In the early 1990s, a team of Berlin psychologists studied violin students. Specifically, they studied their practice habits in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. All of the subjects were asked: “Over the course of your entire career, how many hours have you practiced?”

All of the violinists had begun playing the violin at the age of 5 with similar practice times. However, at age 8 practice times began to differ.

By age 20 the elite performers averaged more than 10,000 hours of practice each, while the less able performers averaged 4,000 hours of practice.

The elite had more than double the practice hours of the less capable performers.

This theory of 10,000 hours to become an expert has become a popular belief. Therefore practice really does lead to perfection! If you want to see results in your business make sure you invest the hours required to become an expert.

ACN’s top tips to becoming an expert:

Invest 1 hour a day to personal development. We suggest you utilise Success On Demand, which comes with Your Business Assistant subscription. Success on Demand features training and personal development from the world’s most renowned speakers and authors.
Invest 2 hours a day to developing your business and team. By using your Downline Report, part of Your Business Assistant subscription you can see what team members need assistance and nurturing.
Invest 3-4 hours a week understanding the ACN products and services. This may involve checking your Direct Storefront, reading materials on IBO Back Office and reading ACN News for the latest product announcements and training materials.

If you don’t yet have Your Business Assistant (YBA), subscribe today for $39.95 and earn 2 customer points. No lock-in contracts and countless of tools and features.

Author Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, first explained the 10,000 hours theory.