We want your customers to be happy with the ACN experience just as much as you do so it’s important that you set the right expectations with them from the outset.

Here are some helpful tips to achieve this:

  • If you’re selling ACN Phone and ACN Broadband services (including bundle services) to businesses make it clear that we only offer a residential grade (best effort) service. This means if your customer is critically dependent on their phone or broadband service to run their business and require 24×7 support, our services are not suitable for them and you should not sign them up to this service.
  • Our nbn™ phone service does not support special features used by many small businesses (for example line hunt, ISDN and fax duet). Note that these must be removed before ACN is able to port an existing business phone number to our service.
  • The usual timeframe for porting an existing phone number from one provider to ACN is 3 days. This means that even if everything goes well, it is highly likely there will be disruption to the business’ phone service. There are ways to manage this changeover with the assistance of the customer via call diversion but they must be done ahead of the service cutover.
  • Our nbn™ service is not suitable for small business customers with security alarms that use a traditional phone line. Potential customers with alarms, Point of Sale terminals and other devices that use a phone line should always check with their current provider about the options available before converting to nbn™.
  • For nbn™, don’t rely solely on the word of local technicians – while they can be helpful, they don’t always speak for NBN Co.

Not sure if our service is right for your customer?

We understand that you and your customers may still be unsure if we can service them, or have questions about how the change will take place. In these instances:

  • Don’t let the customer place an order and then attempt to change or fix the order whilst it’s being processed
  • Ensure your customer confirms their correct address particularly for apartments, townhouses and retail premises
  • Always contact IBO Support PRIOR to the customer placing an order with your questions or concerns.  We are here to help and will do our best to verify if we can service them and what options are available to make the changeover as smooth as possible

By following these tips you and your customers will come out smiling.