Any information regarding Honey products/services provided by Conxxion is general information only and not in the nature of general or personal advice. Please consider your own personal circumstances and whether this product/service is right for you. Always read the Honey PDS, any applicable SPDS and TMD available at honey Conxxion in no way seeks to influence your evaluation or consideration of Honey's services/products as an Conxxion Independent Business Owner or Referred Customer. Conxxion seeks only to make Independent Business Owners and Customers aware of factual information about the Honey Brand and to provide information about products/services made available by Honey Insurance Pty Ltd to Independent Business Owners and Customers. Conxxion is not licensed to provide financial advice and does not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL).

Smarter Home Insurance with Honey

Honey provides smarter home insurance to help you prevent avoidable accidents in the home. Rather than waiting for things to go wrong, Honey helps to prevent avoidable accidents with complimentary smart home sensors. These sensors send alerts via push app notifications to your mobile to help you avoid many of the common mishaps that lead to claims, like fire, water leaks and theft. It’s an entirely new – and we like to think smarter – way of keeping your home and contents safer.

Honey uses satellite data to take the guesstimating out of choosing the right coverage for you – and to insure you in three minutes flat.

Plus, if you work from home, Honey is there to cover your equipment with up to $20,000 of home office cover. That’s cover designed for today’s home office.

Products Honey offers:

  • Homeowners Insurance– Protecting home, contents and valuables for homeowners
  • Renters– Smart and flexible contents insurance for renters
  • Landlords Insurance– Covering investment properties for landlords

"I just signed up, and compared to other insurance purchases it was so easy and straight-forward - I know exactly what I'm covered for, and am happy knowing I'm not covered for anything I don't need. Get on it!" - Michael

“Friendly and very efficient. Couldn't be happier to move to Honey Insurance.” - Rhys

“Super smooth and seamless digital sign-up experience - to top it off, saved just over $400 compared to my other insurer. Highly recommend for anyone else who’s tired of their current insurance company.” - Adrian

Why Honey Insurance?

Get insured in 3 minutes
Honey can get you covered in 3 minutes. Their technology identifies info about your home, so you can get covered faster and simpler. Questions? Honey’s local Aussie based customer service team is just a phone call away.

We invest $250 in your
safety from day dot

Honey doesn’t wait around for things to go wrong. When you take out home and contents insurance, you can choose to receive complimentary smart home sensors that can alert you to avoidable mishaps like fire, water damage and theft.

A lower premium for
being smarter

By reducing your risk with Honey’s smart sensors, you’ll pay less for premiums. Get a discount of up to 8% every year*, not just some one-time sign-up bonus. Honey is insurance that rewards you everyday.

Using smarts to get you
properly covered

Honey couples the info you give them with data about your home to help you select the cover that works for you. They also offer flexible coverage for your essentials and those extra things your household really values. Take the guesstimating out of home insurance with Honey.

Our supporters in creating smarter insurance



Conxxion Pty Ltd ABN 85 108 535 708 (Conxxion) is a referrer of Honey Insurance Pty Ltd ABN 52 643 672 628 (Honey Insurance). Conxxion may receive a commission up to 10.69% of the premium received for each policy on its inception and renewal that resulted in your referral from Conxxion to Honey Insurance. Conxxion will provide commissions to Independent Business Owners for eligible Insurance products/services referred to Honey as outlined in the Conxxion Compensation Plan. Your Conxxion Independent Business Owner (IBO) provides a referral service and can only give you information about how to contact us to find out about Honey insurance. If you purchase this insurance your Conxxion IBO may receive a commission.

This insurance is issued by Honey Insurance Pty Ltd ABN 52 643 672 628 AFSL No. 528244 on behalf of the insurer, RACQ Insurance Limited ABN 50 009 704 152 AFSL 233082. RACQ Group holds an equity interest in Honey. Any information provided on this site is general information only and does not take into account your individual needs, objectives or financial situation. You should carefully read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement, any applicable Supplement Product Disclosure Statement, Target Market Determination and Financial Services Guide to help you decide if the product is right for you.

*The Smart Home Program discount will be applied to your premium if you install and keep the smart home sensor kit operational. Each month we will assess your ongoing eligibility for the Honey Smart Home Program discount, based on your sensors being active. Where your sensors are not active, we may choose to remove your discount for the remaining period of insurance. Please refer to the PDS for full terms and conditions.

Earning Statement

RVPs and SVPs (including Circle of Champions members) earn annual income achieved by fewer than 1% of Conxxion IBOs. Their success stories and earnings are extraordinary and not typical. Earnings as a Conxxion IBO are based solely upon the successful sale of products to customers and their usage of those products. Individuals will incur expenses in operating their Conxxion business, such as the sign-up fee and renewal fee, as well as other possible operating expenses. As with any business, earnings and success at Conxxion are not guaranteed but depend primarily on the individual’s commitment, persistence and effort. Individuals may not earn income and may lose money as an IBO.
