Please note ACN ADSL plans require a traditional fixed wire phone line with either Telstra, a Telstra Wholesale reseller or ACN. If you don’t have an existing connection, you will need to have one connected. A fixed wire phone line connection fee between $59 and $240 (inc. GST) applies for the installation of a new phone line may apply. Eligibility for a new phone line is dependent on the current infrastructure at your exchange and premises.
To have a Naked DSL plan you must have a traditional Telstra or ACN fixed wire phone line at your premises but it does not have to be active. Please note that if you have an existing connected phone service and apply for Naked DSL, your fixed wire phone line will be disconnected automatically. If you want to keep your phone service connected, we suggest you order one of our Home or Small Business ADSL + Phone Bundles instead. If ACN determines that infrastructure into your property doesn’t exist and/or requires work to be carried out for a Broadband connection to take place, we will contact you over the phone to discuss your options.
To view our Broadband plans please
click here.