I cannot make or receive calls on my IRIS X
First you will need to verify that the IRIS X Video Phone is correctly installed and powered on. For steps on how to install your IRIS X please refer to the IRIS X Quick Start Guide in the device box, or online here.
If your IRIS X is installed and powered on correctly, please check the following:
- The ACN IRIS X requires a connection to a modem router. The IRIS X has two Ethernet ports. One port is labelled Network, the other port is labelled PC. The Network port should be connected to the modem router. You should also verify your Internet connection is working properly by browsing to your favourite website using a computer.
- Allow sufficient time for initial setup. Initial setup should be performed while the IRIS X is connected to a wired Ethernet connection. The initial setup may take up to ten minutes to complete depending on your Internet speed. The phone may reboot 2-3 times. Please do not disconnect your IRIS X or attempt to make calls during this time. Make sure to complete the initial calibration step as the phone powers up using the stylus provided.
- Ensure the IRIS X has an IP address and that the account ‘man’ icon in the top right corner of the screen is Green. If the account icon is not Green the IRIS X is not registered and will be unable to make calls.
- If the account icon is Green, attempt to make a phone call. If you are still unable to make a call please make a note of any error messages or RVAs that you receive and then contact Customer Service on 1300 881 778 for further assistance.