What is the ‘Pull Through’ method and how will it affect me?
In the course of connecting a premises to the nbn™ Fibre Network, an nbn™ contractor may physically remove one or more copper cable(s) from a lead-in conduit (LIC) at the premises in order to ‘Pull Through’ the fibre optic cable which will be used to connect the premises to the nbn™ Network.
The ‘Pull Through’ method is used when there is no other option. When installing fibre in a lead-in conduit, nbn™ will generally attempt to push through the fibre. When they are unable to do this, and if they believe ‘Pull Through’ is likely to be successful, they may want to conduct the ‘Pull Through’ method.
‘Pull Through’ will result in a service outage. As the copper cable is physically cut and generally reconnected at completion of of the pull through activities.
ACN anticipates that ‘Pull Through’ may be appropriate for a small percentage of premises and the percentage may vary depending on the regional characteristics.
Without ‘Pull Through’, nbn™ must install a new lead-in conduit either by digging a new trench in which to lay the conduit or potentially by installing an aerial connection.
It is important if you have any medical alerts or alarms connected to your current Phone Service that you notify ACN when you speak to Customer Service to arrange your appointment – alternatively E-Mail us at nbn@acnpacific.com.au
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