ACN Policies

Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

What is a complaint?

A complaint can be described as an expression of dissatisfaction, discontent, resentment, and/or fault-finding. We acknowledge that you have the right to make a complaint.

Expressing a complaint

If you are dissatisfied about any aspect of ACN’s services we will advise you as to how to make and progress a complaint with us and we will handle your complaint in accordance with this policy.

Where you have expressed your dissatisfaction to us and it is unclear if you wish to make a complaint, we will always clarify with you whether you wish to do so, or not. Our complaint handling process is free of charge.

What is an urgent complaint?

We consider your complaint to be urgent if:

  • it is about a fault that could potentially endanger your safety
  • the issue would cause us to disconnect your service within seven days
  • the issue could lead to you experiencing financial hardship.

We immediately escalate urgent complaints to our Customer Relations Manager, who takes personal responsibility for resolving the urgent aspects of the complaint within two working days.

The only time where these timeframes may change, is where you agree to a different timeframe for resolution, or we need you to do something first in order to resolve the complaint.

How do I make a complaint to ACN Pacific?

You can contact us in various ways; these are listed below to ensure that you receive the fastest response possible (Hours: 9:00am - 6:00pm Mon to Fri)

Phone: 1300 767 226

Post: ACN Pacific Pty Ltd, Suite 2 Level 1, 19-23 Hollywood Ave, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022, Australia

Webchat: Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm - Click here


If you have hearing difficulties or special needs, please contact us in writing via our online chat facility, or consider using the National Relay Service on 133 677.

If English is not your first language we will try to assign a Customer Service Representative who speaks your language. In the first instance we suggest the customer consider assigning a family member or friend as an advocate or authorised representative on their customer account. If this not possible and you still need an interpreter to help you with your enquiry, please consider contacting the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131450.

If you are unable to pay your bill, please read our Financial Hardship Policy.

Your authorised representative or advocate can also lodge a complaint on your behalf.

Complaint acknowledgement and response times

When we receive a complaint in person, or over the telephone, we acknowledge it as a complaint immediately. If we receive a complaint as a recorded message, we call you back within one working day.

When we receive a complaint in writing, we acknowledge it within two working days. ‘In writing’ includes complaints made by email or received through our website (such as Webchat) or via post.

What happens next?

Once you have contacted us, we will do everything possible to answer your question or provide a suitable solution while you are on the phone. We will give you a unique identification number so you can track your complaint and we’ll also keep in touch and inform you of the progress we have made to resolve your complaint. You can also contact us at any stage to check on or monitor the progress of your complaint.

Prioritisation of a complaint

Once your complaint is received by us, it is logged and given a priority based on the nature of the complaint.

Complaint type Priority Timeframe for Resolution
All Urgent Complaints 1 2 working days
Faults (non-urgent) 2 15 working days
Credit Management complaints 2 15 working days
Provisioning and connection or disconnection of service 2 15 working days
Customer Service 3 15 working days
Billing and Payment 3 15 working days
SFOA terms and conditions 3 15 working days

Please note:

  • Sometimes, we might not be able to resolve a complaint within the timeframes set out above. If that is the case, we’ll contact you and advise you of the reason for the delay, the new timeframe for resolution, and (where it is expected that the delay will be longer than 10 working days and is not caused by a notified mass outage of service) options for external dispute resolution including the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO).
  • Where we are unable to contact you to discuss your complaint, we will write and inform you that we have been unable to contact you, and provide details of our contact attempts. We will provide you with the opportunity to discuss the complaint with us within not less than ten working days of us sending you notice.
  • If we reasonably conclude that we can do nothing more to resolve the complaint or that the complaint is vexatious or frivolous, then we may decide not to deal, or not deal further, with the complaint. If so, we will advise you within five working days of the reasons for our decision and your options for external dispute resolution including the TIO.
  • Where you communicate to us that you:
    • are dissatisfied with the response times that apply to the handling or management of your complaint,
    • reasonably want your complaint to be escalated,
    • reasonably want your complaint to be re-assessed and/or treated as an urgent complaint

Then, within five working days (for complaints other than urgent complaints) or two working days (for urgent complaints), we will:

  • inform you of our internal prioritisation or escalation process and options for external dispute resolution including advice on how to contact the TIO. Escalated complaints and complaints which have been prioritised as urgent are referred to our Customer Relations Manager.
  • not cancel your service for the sole reason that you were unable to resolve the complaint directly with us and are pursuing options for external dispute resolution.

Resolution of a complaint

We will only put into place the resolution of your complaint once it has been discussed with and accepted by you. While we usually discuss your complaint with you by telephone, we are also happy to confirm matters with you via letter or email within five working days of the agreed resolution taking effect.

If you are not accepting of the complaint resolution we offer you, we will advise you how to seek external resolution of your complaint, including providing you with instruction as to how to access the services of the TIO.

The Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (the TIO)

In the unlikely event that we can’t resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you then have the option to forward your complaint to the TIO.

Please note the TIO will only accept cases in which you have first tried to resolve the issue with us directly. The contact details for the TIO are as follows:

Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman PO Box 276 Collins Street West Melbourne VIC 8007 Phone: 1800 062 058 Fax: 1800 630 614 Online: ACN Pacific’s Complaints Handling Policy may change from time to time. Any changes to this Policy will be published on ACN’s websites. This policy was last updated on 11 September 2018.

Financial Hardship Policy

ACN Pacific’s Financial Hardship Policy

Updated 1 August 2019
Statement of Intention
ACN Pacific is here to help. We will work with you to help you respond to financial hardship, whether temporary or long-term. We are committed to helping customers facing financial hardship maintain telecommunications access and working with you to find a sustainable solution. Any help we can give will depend on your individual circumstances, and we provide help on a case-by-case basis.
Definition of Financial Hardship
The Communications Alliance Telecommunications Consumer Protections Code defines financial hardship as: a situation where a Customer is unable, reasonably, because of illness, unemployment, being the victim of domestic or family violence, or other reasonable cause, to discharge their financial obligations under their contract with the Supplier and the Customer reasonably expects to be able to discharge those obligations if payment and/or Service arrangements were changed. Financial hardship can be of limited or long term duration.
Credit Management
In times of genuine financial hardship, customers and/or their financial counsellor deserve easy access to empathetic and skilled staff who can promptly address their circumstance or concerns. ACN Pacific will provide this service by training all staff in the general credit area to identify financial hardship customers. ACN Pacific expects its credit team members to act with compassion and sympathy, yet still manage the situation within business requirements. Credit staff are required to accept reasonable payment arrangements, taking into account each customer’s individual circumstances.
Identification of a Customer Experiencing Financial Hardship
ACN Pacific considers financial hardship a state that involves an inability of the customer to pay bills, rather than an unwillingness to do so. Financial hardship can arise from a variety of situations, and can be either of limited duration or long term. To illustrate, several of the common causes are listed below.
  • Loss of employment by the customer or family member.
  • Family breakdown.
  • Illness including physical incapacity, hospitalisation, or mental illness of the consumer or family member.
  • A death in the family.
  • Being the victim of domestic or family violence.
  • Abuse of the service by customer (e.g. from use of 190X numbers, GPRS).
  • Abuse of the service by a third party leaving the customer unable to pay the account.
  • Natural disaster.
In order to assess financial hardship our Credit staff may request the customer provide an income and expenditure budget, details of telecommunications services, contact details, and other details relevant to the particular circumstances.
Consumer Access to Financial Advisers
Customers who find they are experiencing financial hardship can find contact details of community financial counsellors or consumer advocates who deal with financial difficulty matters via the Federal Government’s MoneySmart website at
Exploring Options for Keeping a Customer Connected
We will explore options to keep the customer connected. If applicable and depending on the particular circumstances, we will provide options with regard to spend controls, restriction of services, or transferring the customer to pre-paid services or contracts with hard caps or shaping if available. The duration and conditions of these options will vary and are subject to review.
Applying For and Reaching a Financial Arrangement
The basic principle of any agreed financial arrangement is that the repayment should be sufficient to cover expected future use of the service (as adjusted to ensure the customer’s financial position does not worsen over a reasonable period of time), as well as providing continued reduction of debt at a reasonable level (i.e. the customer should not be going into further debt under the arrangement). Our Credit staff will discuss with the customer their situation. They will explain to the customer how to minimise the cost of their service by using spend control tools and, where appropriate, suggest alternate plans or services that may better suit the customer’s circumstances.
If applicable and depending on the particular circumstances, we will provide options with regard to deferment or extensions of repayment periods, part-payment instalment plans, an alternative service or contract such as a pre-paid service if available, and, in limited cases, consider discounting or waiving certain service charges including incurred charges, late payment fees and cancellation fees. The duration and conditions of arrangements will vary and are subject to review.
When financial hardship arrangement terms are agreed, we confirm this verbally and/or in writing (in particular, if the customer requests the details in writing) and summarise the customer’s rights, obligations, and the consequences of failing to adhere to the agreed arrangement. An arrangement cannot commence until the customer has agreed to and accepted all of the terms.
The customer is responsible for: acknowledging the debt and their duty to repay it; providing adequate information for an accurate and informed assessment; being willing to moderate their usage to a level they are able to pay and adopt relevant service options to that end; making repayments as agreed; using suitable products, services and access levels, as negotiated with us; and informing us immediately if their contact details and/or financial position changes so that the customer’s arrangement can be reviewed.
Termination of a Financial Hardship Arrangement
A financial hardship arrangement will have an agreed end date. This means the arrangement terminates provided the account has then been paid by that date. The customer may also choose to complete all payments and terminate the arrangement prior to this time, should their circumstances change. If a customer does not follow the terms of the arrangement, we may terminate the arrangement. Our Credit team will attempt to contact the customer via phone, SMS or email and if no contact is made they will send a letter. If the customer does not contact the Credit team within 7 days of the date of that letter, the customer’s account will be sent to collections.
How to Make Enquiries or Find Out More
By Phone: 1300 767 226 Hours of operation: 9.00am - 5.00pm, Monday to Friday
By Mail: ACN Pacific Pty Ltd - Credit Team, Suite 2 Level 1, 19-23 Hollywood Ave, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
If a customer wishes to seek review of the outcome of a financial hardship application, please refer to our Complaints Handling Policy, available on the ACN Pacific website.

ACN Customer Service Charter

ACN Pacific believes in providing a total customer service. If you have a question, our aim is to give you the answer as quickly and easily as possible. You can contact us in these ways:
Online: the contact form on our website
Phone: 1300 767 226, Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm AEST.
When you contact us by phone we try to answer your question on that call. If you contact us by email or through the website we acknowledge your message immediately and respond to your request within 24 hours. If we can’t answer your question straight away we refer it to someone who can, and respond within 48 hours.
If you have a complaint, we do everything we can to provide a suitable solution within 1 working day. If that’s not possible we manage your complaint in accordance with our published Complaints Handling policy.
If we fail to meet any of our commitments to you, we contact you to discuss how we can fix the problem.
Use of authorized representatives & advocates
Authorized representatives
We offer our customers the right to nominate an authorized representative to act on their behalf for service inquiries, payments and updating contact details. This nomination requires the customer to agree that any instructions or directions from any such representative are binding on them.
To nominate an authorized representative we ask the customer to provide their verbal authorization and/or a power of attorney or similar written authority. We take care to ensure they understand what they are authorizing the other party to do on their behalf.
We keep a record of when the representative was appointed and any changes the customer makes to their authority, or any changes to their personal circumstances we are notified of that may affect the representative’s role.
If a customer requests it, we accept calls and written communications on their behalf from an advocate. If a customer wants to use an advocate, we explain to them that the advocate is not authorized to:
  • request services or modify existing services
  • make changes to the customer’s account
  • act on their behalf
  • request their personal information
If a customer wants a third party to have the power to do these things then we ask them to nominate that person as their authorized representative.
We provide security tools
Security tools are tools that can prevent unauthorized access to or use of a telecommunications service.
The MyAccount service, available on the ACN Pacific website, gives our customers access to a range of security and spend management tools. With the exception of DPS and mobile broadband services, customers can bar and un-bar a range of call types through MyAccount. We provide all but one of these tools free of charge and customers can get assistance in using them by calling our Contact Centre. We also provide written instructions within five days if a customer requests this.
For fixed line services
Our customers can contact Customer Services to permanently bar certain call types such as International, 0900, Local, STD and mobile.
Our customers also have the ability to bar certain call types via MyAccount to one of the following levels:
  • Bar all outgoing (Emergency '000' calls allowed)
  • Allow local calls only
  • Allow local, national and mobile calls only
  • Allow local, national, mobile and international calls only
  • Allow local, national, mobile, international and 1900 calls.
It takes up to 48 hours to provision the change on the line.
  • To bar and un-bar DPS services You will need to contact our customer service team.
  • Broadband All ADSL internet devices (i.e. modems and routers) we supply come with a password option that restricts usage of a customer’s ADSL (broadband internet) service to the password holder. We also provide our customers with information and access to a range of internet security tools and filters.
  • Silent line fee exemption service ACN provides a concession to eligible residential fixed line customers who require a silent line and who are facing a safety risk due to a domestic violence situation. The standard charge for the Silent Line feature is $2.93 (incl. GST) per month.
    ACN will provide an exemption from this fee to any ACN Home Phone customer who provides information confirming that they:
  • have a valid court or police issued protection order, or
  • are a client of a Centrelink social worker, or
  • are a client of a community or legal aid organisation providing services to people facing a personal safety threat, or
  • are a staff member, volunteer or contractor of a community organisation providing services to people facing a personal safety threat, and are considered by the organisation to be facing a personal safety themselves.
ACN will waiver the Silent Line fee for up to two years.

Customer Service Guarantee


In line with ACN’s commitment to provide customer service excellence ACN has an obligation to uphold and enforce the Australian Communications Authority Telecommunications Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) 2011.

The objective of the CSG is to encourage improvements in service and guard against poor service.

The CSG Overview below provides a summary of the key features ad rights to you as a consumer in regard to our delivery of telecommunications services.

A complaint about a breach of the CSG should first be directed to ACN. For more information on the CSG please visit the Australian Communications Authority website

Customer Service Guarantee 2011 (CSG)

In line with ACN Australia’s commitment to provide customer service excellence, ACN has a responsibility to uphold and enforce the Australian Communications Authority Telecommunications Customer Service Guarantee (CSG) 2011. The objective of the CSG is to encourage improvements in service and guard against poor service. The following is a summary of the key features of the CSG and rights to you as a consumer in regard to our delivery of telecommunications services. A complaint about a breach of the CSG should fi rst be directed to ACN. For more information on the CSG please visit the Australian Communications & Media Authority website

Scope of the CSG

The CSG Standard covers the supply of standard fixed-line telephone services, including voice grade services and some other services used to access the internet or for fax machines. Certain special call-handling features, when activated by a telephone company, are also covered by the CSG, including call waiting, call forwarding, call barring, calling number display and calling number display blocking. If a telephone company offers these services in an area, then that company must meet maximum time frames applying to that area for standard telephone services in:

  • Connecting a service;
  • Repairing a fault or service difficulty; and
  • Attending appointments with customers.

The CSG Standard does not apply to customers who have more than five lines or customer equipment with more than five telephone lines. In addition, mobile phone services are not covered by the CSG Standard.

What is covered?

The CSG applies only to customers with no greater than five Standard Telephone Services.

The CSG Standard applies to:

  • Connections and fault repairs of Standard Telephone Services and the five specified Enhanced Call Handling Features; and
  • Appointments associated with these activities.For connections, Standard Telephone Services are eligible regardless of what is connected at the end of the service eg. Internet or fax. However, for repairs, only voice telephony faults are covered. This means that non-voice faults such as Internet access or fax faults are not covered by the CSG.

Definitions of customer service locations

Service location Community size
Urban More then 10,000 people
Major rural Between 2,500 and less then 10,000 people
Minor rural Between 200 and less then 2,500 people
Remote Up to 2500 people


For the purposes of connecting a specified service or rectifying a fault or service difficulty:

  • a customer of a carriage service provider may make an appointment with the carriage service provider; and
  • a carriage service provider may make an appointment with a customer of the carriage service provider.

An appointment is considered kept if an ACN IBO is present at the service location within the applicable grace period

Appointment Guidelines
Location Appointment Period Grace Period
All locations Less than or equal to 4 hours Within 15 minutes of the appointment period.
Urban and major rural locations Greater than 4 and less than 5 hours Within the appointment period.
Minor rural and remote locations Greater than 4 and/or equal to 5 hours Within the appointment period hours.

Type of connection

Type of Connection Connection Time
In Place
All service sites with an in-place connection Within 2 working days
Close to available cabling or other infrastructure
Urban Within 5 working days
Major rural Within 10 working days
Minor rural Within 15 working days
Remote Within 15 working days
Not close to accessible infrastructure
Urban Within 1 month
Major rural Within 1 month
Minor rural Within 6 months
Remote Within 12 months

Faults - Time for Repair

Situation and Location Time for Repair
No external or internal plant work required, no customer site visit required, or disconnection due to administration error
Urban End of one [1] full working day after being notified of the fault.
Rural End of two [2] full working day after being notified of the fault.
Remote End of three [3] full working day after being notified of the fault.
Any other situation
Urban End of one [1] full working day after being notified of the fault.
Rural End of two [2] full working day after being notified of the fault.
Remote End of three [3] full working day after being notified of the fault.

Faults - Time for Repair

  For the first 5 working days or delay outside the standard (per working day) After the first 5 working days of delay (per working day)
Delay in repairing the standard telephone service
Residential or charity customer $14.52 $48.40
Business customer $24.20 $48.40
Delay in connecting or repairing an enhanced call handling feature to an existing telephone service
Residential or charity customer $7.26 $24.20
Business customer $12.10 $24.20
Delay in connecting or repairing two or more enhanced call handling features to an existing telephone service
Residential or charity customer $14.52 $48.40
Business customer $24.20 $48.40
Not keeping an appointment Per missed appointment
Residential or charity $14.52
Business customer $24.20

The CSG Standard does not apply in certain circumstances, including the following:

  • When the customer accepts a reasonable offer and supply of an interim service, while waiting for his or her permanent telephone service to be connected or repaired.
  • When the customer does not accept the reasonable offer of an interim service.
  • Where delays are due to circumstances outside ACN’s control such as: damages to the facilities of ACN’s network provider; natural disasters or extreme weather conditions or where delays are caused by ACN’s network provider needing to move staff or equipment to an area affected by circumstances beyond the control of the network provider.
  • Where the compliance with any law of the Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local Government prevents compliance with the CSG.
  • Where a missed appointment occurs over a period of connection or repair delay for which a CSG liability already applies.
  • Where the customer is connected by another carriage service provider to a Standard Telephone Service and requests ACN to supply that service, the CSG Standard does not apply in respect of the connection time-frame.
  • Where customer has agreed to waive his/her right to CSG eligibility under the CSG Standard.
  • Where Enhanced Call Handling Features are not available due to existing network limitations.
  • Where the customer is able to activate the Enhanced Call Handling Features from his/her telephone handset or customer equipment.
  • Where the customer requests connection of his or her telephone service and ACN has reasonable grounds for believing that the customer would be unable or unwilling to pay the charges for connection or use of the service.
  • If the customer was disconnected for non-payment of a charge and ACN has not reached agreement for the payment of that charge.
  • Where it is necessary to withdraw the service(s) in order to maintain or upgrade a facility and ACN’s network provider has given reasonable notice.
  • If the customer unreasonably does not agree to an appointment offered by ACN or ACN’s network provider.
  • If the customer fails to keep an appointment with ACN’s network provider without giving at least 24 hours notice.
  • If the customer unreasonably refuses permission to access to his or her premises.

Note: this document is intended as a guide only. Please contact ACN for more information. For more details on the CSG please see

This page was last updated 01/06/2012.

Copyright Policy

Under the Copyright Regulations 1969, ACN Pacific is required to designate a person to be the designated representative to receive notifications and notices issued under Part 3A of the Copyright Regulations 1969.
This person is:
Compliance Manager
Suite 2 Level 1, 19-23 Hollywood Ave,
Bondi Junction, NSW 2022
Phone: 1300 767 226
In accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and other applicable laws, it is ACN Pacific’s policy to terminate, in appropriate circumstances, the service of any customer where that service is found to have been used to repeatedly infringe third party intellectual property rights.

ACN Pacific credit reporting policy

This Credit Reporting Policy describes how ACN handles credit information, credit eligibility information, and information derived by ACN from information disclosed by credit reporting bodies (“credit related information”) relating to its customers. This Credit Reporting Policy applies in addition to ACN’s Privacy Policy.

Kinds of information

The credit related information collected, derived and held by ACN may include your name, current and previous addresses, telephone/mobile numbers, email address, bank account or credit card details, occupation and other identification information, information on how you use and pay for our products and services, details of credit you have applied for and been granted, information about your credit history and repayment history, default information, and scores or ratings relating to your credit worthiness. This information may be collected from you or from publicly available information, or derived from our information or from information disclosed by credit reporting agencies.


ACN collects, holds, uses and discloses credit related information for a number of purposes, which include:
  • verifying your identity;
  • providing the products or services requested;
  • processing your orders or applications;
  • carrying out credit checking and scoring;
  • issuing bills;
  • dealing with requests, enquiries or complaints and other customer care related activities;
  • carrying out any activity in connection with a legal, governmental or regulatory requirement or in connection with legal proceedings, crime or fraud;
  • managing the relationships with our IBOs and customers;
  • purposes related to any of the above purposes.
ACN is not likely to disclose credit related information to entities that do not have an Australian link.

Access and Correction

To request access to your credit related information held by us, please call us on the number detailed below. If your identity can be adequately verified, the person you speak to may be able to provide you with the information you require over the telephone. If you request a copy of any credit related information, we will ask that you put your request in writing and post that request to us. This is to ensure that we can verify your identity. If we need time to consider your request, we will acknowledge your request within 14 days and respond within a maximum of 30 days. Depending on the information you wish to access, its location and the time it will take us to respond, we may charge you a fee for the cost of providing the information to you.
If for any reason we refuse to give you access to your information we will confirm the reason in writing. The circumstances in which we may refuse to give you access to credit related information we hold about you include, but are not limited to, where giving you access:
  • would have an unreasonable impact on other people's privacy;
  • would prejudice any negotiations we are having with you;
  • would prejudice an investigation of unlawful activity;
  • would prejudice activities carried out by or for a law enforcement body.
If you believe that your credit related information held by ACN is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date and you wish to seek the correction of that information, please call us on the number detailed below. In most cases, we will amend any inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date information. In some cases it is necessary for us to keep a record of what we know or understand to be correct at a particular time. In those circumstances, at your request, we will take reasonable steps to associate with the relevant record of your credit related information, a statement to the effect that you claim the information is inaccurate, incomplete or out-of-date.


If you wish to make a complaint about a breach by ACN of credit reporting laws and codes, please call or write to us. Your complaint will be recorded, and then reviewed at an appropriate level within ACN. Once we have acted upon, resolved or finalised your complaint, we will inform you of the outcome if you have provided us with suitable contact details.

Contact Details

Australia New Zealand
Phone: Phone:
1300 767 226 0508 226 002
Post: Post:
ACN Pacific Pty Ltd ACN Pacific Pty Ltd
Suite 2 Level 1, 19-23 Hollywood Ave, Bondi Junction, NSW 2022 Australia PO Box 90694 Auckland MSC Auckland 1142 New Zealand


This Credit Reporting Policy may change from time to time. Any changes to this Policy will be published on ACN’s websites. This policy was last updated on 31 August 2016.

Statement of Notifiable Matters

ACN Pacific Pty Ltd

Statement of Notifiable Matters (Credit Reporting Privacy Code)

We are required to disclose to you ‘notifiable matters’ at or before the time of collecting personal information that is likely to be disclosed to a credit reporting body. The credit reporting body to which we are likely to disclose credit related information is Equifax Pty Ltd.

Those matters are:

  1. The credit reporting body may include in reports the credit related information we provide to it. It may also provide that information to other credit providers to assist those other credit providers to assess your creditworthiness.
  2. If you fail to meet your payment obligations or commit a serious credit infringement, we may disclose this to a credit reporting body.
  3. You have the right to access credit related information we hold about you, request that we correct the information, and make a complaint, as set out further in our Credit Reporting Policy.
  4. You can request a credit reporting body not to use your credit reporting information for the purposes of pre-screening of direct marketing by us.
  5. You can request a credit reporting body not to use or disclose your credit reporting information if you believe on reasonable grounds that you have been, or are likely to be, a victim of fraud.
  6. You can request a copy of our Credit Reporting Policy by contacting us, or obtain it directly from our website. You can ask us to provide you a hard copy of our Credit Reporting Policy (including the Statement of Notifiable Matters). You can request a copy of the credit reporting body’s credit reporting policy from its website.

DSA Code of Practice

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN)

To find independent and up-to-date information on telecommunication products and services that are suitable for seniors and people with disabilities, head to the ACCAN's Diability Portal - Accessible Telecoms website
Earning Statement

RVPs and SVPs (including Circle of Champions members) earn annual income achieved by fewer than 1% of Conxxion IBOs. Their success stories and earnings are extraordinary and not typical. Earnings as a Conxxion IBO are based solely upon the successful sale of products to customers and their usage of those products. Individuals will incur expenses in operating their Conxxion business, such as the sign-up fee and renewal fee, as well as other possible operating expenses. As with any business, earnings and success at Conxxion are not guaranteed but depend primarily on the individual’s commitment, persistence and effort. Individuals may not earn income and may lose money as an IBO.
