Important changes to Truvvi Lifestyle APAC

Unfortunately, Truvvi Lifestyle is no longer accepting new members in Australia and New Zealand meaning ACN IBOs are no longer able to refer customers.
Existing Truvvi Lifestyle members can continue to use their membership and enjoy all associated benefits up until their next renewal date. After this, members will have the opportunity to transfer their membership to another reputed travel club, orcancel their membership.

Rest assured, any existing Truvvi Lifestyle bookings you have already made will remain valid. If you need access to booking information, please do not hesitate to contact our Truvvi Booking Support:

Should you have any further questions or concerns about the shutdown of Truvvi Lifestyle in Australia and New Zealand and how this may affect you, please contact IBO Support Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm AEST/AEDT.

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty to Truvvi Lifestyle.

Earning Statement

RVPs and SVPs (including Circle of Champions members) earn annual income achieved by fewer than 1% of Conxxion IBOs. Their success stories and earnings are extraordinary and not typical. Earnings as a Conxxion IBO are based solely upon the successful sale of products to customers and their usage of those products. Individuals will incur expenses in operating their Conxxion business, such as the sign-up fee and renewal fee, as well as other possible operating expenses. As with any business, earnings and success at Conxxion are not guaranteed but depend primarily on the individual’s commitment, persistence and effort. Individuals may not earn income and may lose money as an IBO.
